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500 (BID) Official Team Rules
OBJECT: To reach a score of 500 before your opponents.
PLAYERS: Four, two playing as partners. The partners must sit
across from each other.
DECK: One 43-card pack which includes A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8,
7, 6, 5 of each suit, 4 , 4 , and the Joker.
RANKS: The Joker is the highest card in the deck. If a trump
suit is named, then the trump suit is next in rank,
ranking J of trump suit, J of the same color suit,
followed by A, K, Q, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 (and 4 if trump
is red) of the trump suit. All other suits follow
standard ranking from Ace down to 5 or 4. For example,
if hearts are trump, then the ranking of trump is the
Joker, J , J , A , K , Q , 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6
, 5 , 4 . If no trump suit is named, then the
highest card in each suit is the Ace and continues down
to 5 or 4. However, the Joker still outranks any other
DEALING: The dealer deals a set of three cards face down to each
player, followed by a set of three in the center for a
widow. The dealer then deals a set of four cards to
each player, followed by a set of three cards.
Everyone should have ten cards and the widow should
contain three.
BIDDING: Bidding begins with the eldest hand (player to the left
of the dealer). Each player has the option to bid or
pass. The schedule of bidding is listed below. If a
bid is made, it must be of higher value than any
previous bids made. Each player has one opportunity to
bid, with the dealer having the opportunity to make the
final bid. If no one bids, then the hand is thrown in
and the dealer must redeal.
6 7 8 9 10
Spades 40 140 240 340 440
Clubs 60 160 260 360 460
Diamonds 80 180 280 380 480
Hearts 100 200 300 400 500
- No Trump 120 220 320 420 520
If a player bids nullo, then he or she is trying to
lose every trick. A bid of nullo is worth 250, falling
bewteen 8 spades and 8 clubs. A bid of double nullo is
worth 500, as is a bid of bar nullo. There is no trump
suit in nullo. A bid of double nullo may ONLY be made
if his or her partner bid nullo.
PLAYING: The suit of the highest bid is named trump. The
highest bidder takes the cards in the widow. This
player must then discard any three cards. The bidder
then leads the first card. All players must play the
suit which is led if they have it. If a player does
not have a card of the led suit, then he or she may
play any card. The highest ranking card of the led
suit wins the trick unless a card of the trump suit has
been thrown. In this case, the highest trump card wins
the trick. (In the case of no trump, this is only
applicable to the Joker.) If the Joker is led when
there is no trump, then the person leading the Joker
names the suit which he or she wants played. If a bid
of nullo was made, then the bidder's partner does not
play the hand; only the bidder and the opposing team
play their cards. If a bid of double nullo was made,
then BOTH the bidder and his or her partner play the
hand, both trying to LOSE every trick. If a bid of
bar nullo was made, then the bidder's partner does not
play the hand, as in nullo. However, the bidder MAY NOT
take the widow; he or she must play with the cards dealt
to him or her. The hand is over when all ten tricks
have been won.
SCORING: The bidding team must earn the number of tricks which
they bid, with the named suit being trump. If this is
accomplished, then their bid is added to their score.
If they fail to do so, then their bid is deducted from
their score. If the bidding team takes all ten tricks,
then they score either 250 or the amount of their bid,
whichever is larger. The opposing team earns 10 points
for each trick they take. If a player bids nullo, double
nullo, or bar nullo, the object is to lose every trick.
If this is accomplished, then the bidding team receives
250 points and the defending team receives no score for
the hand. However, if the bidding team takes at least
one trick, then the bidding team loses 250 points and
the defending team receives 10 points for each trick that
they LOST (or 10 points for each trick that the bidding
team won).
WINNING: The first bidding team to reach 500 wins the game. A
team wins by exceeding 500 only when taking a bid for
that hand, i.e. a team cannot win by exceeding 500 when
playing defense. If, however, a team reaches -1,000
during a game, the opposing team automatically wins.
IRREGS: MISDEAL: If a "misdeal" occurs, then the hand is
nullified and the dealer must redeal the hand.
∙ not everyone receives exactly ten (10) cards, and
there are not exactly three (3) cards in the widow
∙ the person to the right of the dealer was not
given the opportunity to cut the deck
∙ a card is turned face up during the deal
RENEGING: If a player unintentionally fails to play
the led suit when able but acknowledges the error
before the card is led for the next trick, then he
may retract the card and replace it with the
correct one. A renege cannot occur when leading a
card, playing the led suit, or playing another
suit when out of the led suit. Once a card is
played, it CANNOT be retracted except for a renege
or when playing more than one card.
PLAYING OUT OF TURN: If a player plays a card before
the person to his right plays, then the card must
remain on the table except for a renege, in which
case the correct card must be played immediately.
PLAYING MULTIPLE CARDS: If a player unintentionally
plays more than one card in a given turn, then he
may retract the unintentional card(s), but must
leave one (1) card remaining on the table, unless
a renege has occurred.
OPTIONS: An alternate way of playing is with a five-card widow.
In this case, a 45-card deck is used implementing all
of the fours. After the second round of dealing, two
additional cards are dealt to the widow. Bidding then
usually begins at 7 spades, disallowing any 6 bids.
The original game states that the first team to reach
500 is the winner, regardless whether they accomplished
this on offense or defense. In case both teams exceed
500 during the same hand, the bidder wins. However, to
promote bidding, it is recommended that the only way to
win the game is to bid during the final hand. If a team
exceeds 500 without bidding, the game continues until a
BIDDING team reaches 500.
To promote bidding but yet prevent long, drawn-out games,
a team must bid to win. However, if a team reaches 750
points, they win, and if they reach -750, they lose.
Some players also limit the number of hands in a game to
prevent 25-hand games.
Some players allow misdeals. If a player is dealt no
face cards, aces, or trump, then he or she can throw the
hand in and call for a misdeal. To make misdeals less
common, a rule can be implemented that anyone EXCEPT for
the bidder can call for a misdeal.
Some players disallow the nullo bid, or only allow bids
of single nullo for 250 points.